Guidelines for Open Morris (OM) Area Reps

An Aide Memoire for new team members and longstanding experienced Area Reps alike.

The role of an OM Area Rep includes:

  • Acting as a conduit between OM members in their area and the OM Officers, passing on queries, information and complaints from OM to members and vice versa.
  • Making personal contact with OM members in their area as appropriate, according to their personal preference and capacity.
  • Making every effort to attend OM Officials’ Meetings either in person or electronically.
  • When requested to do so, assisting Officers in decision making. Please note that this does not include a formal right to vote on Committee decisions.
  • Promoting OM in their area wherever possible.
    Encouraging teams in their area to engage with OM and to contribute to the magazine, website events page and discussions etc.
  • So far as possible, providing assistance to committee members when requested eg assisting at meetings, providing equipment.
  • Writing reports for AGM and other meetings, Dancing On! magazine and the website, as requested.
    Not interfering with, or advising on, the internal politics of any OM member side.

NB: In all matters, Area Reps will be guided and instructed by and responsible to the Committee.