Open Morris Member Sides

Earl of Stamford Morris

Region: Wales & North West


Composition: Mixed
Dance Styles: Border, Cotswold, Mummers
Practice Night: Tuesday
Practice Location: WA4 6UB

Contact Details

Mary Fortune
Email: secretary AT

The Earl of Stamford Morris is a traditional mixed morris side based in the Cheshire village of Moore (now in Halton Borough), which is roughly halfway between Warrington and Runcorn.

We dance mainly Cotswold morris, with the odd Border dance. Between September and May we meet for practices every Tuesday evening at 8pm at the Milner Institute, Runcorn Road, Moore, Warrington. In the summer we dance out most weeks at pubs across the region, sometimes with other morris sides.

We perform at various events. The side was formed in the 1982-3 season and has been a member of Open Morris all that time.

We revived the Halton Souling Play in 2000, and still perform it at various local venues every year in early November, around All Souls Day.