Open Morris Member Sides

Plymouth Clog

Region: West/South West

Website: Link Text

Composition: Female, Mixed
Dance Styles: North-West, Step Clog
Practice Night: Thursday
Practice Location: PL3 5BZ

Contact Details

Nicola Plummer
Email: plymouthclog AT

Plymouth Clog are a small, friendly clog dancing group originating in 1980. Clog dancing is a traditional English style of dancing from the North West of England. We have recently updated our kit, logo and public profile to move with the times.

Plymouth Clog practice during the winter months and perform regularly throughout the Spring and Summer at fetes, festivals, pubs and  gatherings. We have also  participated in town twinning exchanges and visits to Brittany, Jersey and Russia.

Dancing is good for physical and mental well being and is a great way of meeting people. If you are interested in giving it a try or playing music with others we welcome anyone 18+ with a sense of rhythm and enthusiasm.
Contact us on:
You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram @PlymouthClog