JMO 20th Anniversary – Regional Day of Dance 2023 (Newcastle & Gateshead Quays)

Black Gate Morris in Newcastle 2022In 2023 the Joint Morris Organisations are running a series of regional days of dance to celebrate 20 years since the national Day of Dance in Trafalgar Square in November 2003 which was held to celebrate the exemption of “morris dancing” from the Licensing Act 2003.

These regional events are hosted by a collaboration of members of teams of all three morris organisations in the UK – The Morris Federation, The Morris Ring, and Open Morris.

The regional event for the North East is in Newcastle City Centre and Gateshead Quays on Sat 7th October 2023.


Dancing with be around Newcastle’s iconic City and the scenic River Tyne.

Dancing will be from 10 am until 4 pm approx.Dance teams please apply to stating: team name, contact name and details (inc phone number), home base, dance style, and approximate numbers.  (Note that licencing regulations mean that any amplified music will need to be played at ‘acoustic’ volume.) Numbers will be allocated in proportion to the size of the organisation (Morris Federation, Open Morris, Morris Ring) so please let us know which you are affiliated to.

We are also seeking volunteers to help steward the day. Please reply to the above email address also.