Open Morris Sides Located in North-East Region

Click on the Side Name to view an individual Sides details, including Practice Nights and Venue, a location Map and a short biography and photograph.

Side NameCompositionDance StyleRegion
Boggart's Breakfast Mixed Border North East
Briggate Morris Mixed North-West North East
Buttercross Belles Female North-West North East
Cutlers Gate Mixed Border North East
Flagcrackers of Craven Mixed Border North East
Flash Company Mixed Border, Molly North East
Hebden Bridge Hill Millies Female Cotswold North East
Heptonstall Pace Eggers Mixed Mummers North East
Jet Set Mixed Border North East
Kitchen Taps Mixed Appalachian North East
Roll Back the Carpet Mixed Appalachian, Other North East
Ryburn 3 Step (Ryburn Long Sword) Mixed Longsword North East
Sowerby Bridge Rushbearing Association Mixed Other North East
Step This Way Mixed Appalachian North East
Thieving Magpie Mixed Border North East
Tyne Bridge Morris Mixed Garland, North-West, Other North East
Wharfedale Wayzgoose Mixed Border North East
Yorkshire Coast Morris Mixed Border, Cotswold North East